Trans America Cycling Day 2 - Alpine, CA to Jacumba Hot Springs
The link to today's route and statistics is found here . As we climb 3,000 ft heading to Pine Valley, life can be viewed from a different perspective. Very seldom we look from the top on down as is depicted in this photo. Ground up A wonderful shade was awaiting for us at the Community Park thanks to the beautiful Live Oak Tree. These trees grow at higher elevation and were plentiful along the route today. These live oaks are very different from live oaks that we will see later in the southeast. Enjoying shade under Live Oak Tree Live Oak acorns Our Trans America Tour journey was taken to the next level—climbing 5,000 ft. However, for some of us, we surpassed the end of the day climbing total, as it happened to Jim and Goofy/Roberto, they past our overnight hotel by 5.4 miles. I guess the excitement of enjoying a downhill ride, we lost notion the size of the town—a convenience store, gift/restaurant shops, the hotel, a community park, and an a...