Trans America Cycling Day 7 - Wickenburg, AZ to Mesa, AZ
The link to today's route and statistics is found here . Today cyclist Jim from Tennessee had the opportunity to meet a Train A Dog-Save A Warrior (TADSAW) trainer and a veteran/service dog team in training. Renee Joseph trains for TADSAW in the Phoenix area. She has been working with veteran Frank and his dog Capone for a number of months. Training is going well, and it was easy to see that a strong bond has developed between Frank and Capone. As is the case for the TADSAW program, Frank takes his dog home between training sessions with the TADSAW trainer, Renee, and “does his homework” by conducting further training himself. Capone is attentive to Frank’s positive reinforcement. Frank says that he now goes out in public with Capone, which is a significant change from prior behavior in which Frank says he actively avoided public places. The TADSAW program has already improved Frank’s quality of life for the better. Frank dri...