Trans America Cycling Day 47 - High Springs, FL to Palatka, FL
The link to today's route and statistics is found here . Today was our last long ride. We left at 7:30 am to avoid afternoon heat. We had decent cloud cover early, and later we rode 20 miles of state trails, which gave additional shade. The bottom line is that it was a very pleasant ride. We did more than rest and refuel at SAG stops today. SAG stop photo TAC gave us Little Debbie Swiss Rolls and our Swiss contingent graciously served us A study was conducted o f Spanish Moss growing on Live Oaks at the SAG. Spanish Moss was plentiful at SAG Live Oak draped in Spanish Moss We rode through Gainesville today, but not near “The Swamp.” That is the popular name for the University of Florida football stadium. The Florida Gators play there. The Swamp in Gainesville is home to the Florida Gators American football team A highlight for the day was the scenery on the Palatka-Lake Butler State Trail. Low...