Trans America Cycling Day 48 - Palatka, FL to St. Augustine, FL
The link to today's route and statistics is found here . Today was our last ride, and we rode as a group, like on the last day of the Tour de France. If someone had a problem, all stopped until the problem was resolved. All were triumphant today in concluding their ride across America.. We rode through St Augustine to the beach at Anastasia Island State Park for the ceremonial front tire dip in the Atlantic Ocean. Then to celebrate all took a dip in the Atlantic, which was an ideal temperature for swimming, followed by drinking of Mimosas made of champagne and orange juice. Hope that you enjoy the photos that record the day. Sunrise in Palatka Bass fishermen and those after catfish were on the water before we hit the road Chuck and Larry help fix a "motel flat" to start the day Flat repaired, cyclists chomping at the bit at the motel and ready to ride No drop policy in effect as Randy fixes one last flat on the road Gnatty,...