
Showing posts from April 27, 2019

Trans America Cycling Day 27 - Fredericksburg, TX to Austin, TX

The link to today's route and statistics is found here . The highlight of the route was a wonderful assortment of medium and long rollers.  There were numerous opportunities to bomb down the front of the roller and power up the back side to the flat beyond.  It was a great way to accumulate 4500 feet of ascent without realizing it. We had our first wet road crossing today, where water is high enough in a stream to run over the road.  Some cycled through, but the risk is slipping on the green growth on the road surface.  The group in the photo dismounted and walked through the ankle deep water with bicycle shoes on. Fording the stream on foot All of the beautiful hill country scenery and wildlife take your mind off of the climbing.  Cycling is one of the best ways to take in nature’s finest.  Driving is too fast to see the fine details, and walking doesn't cover as much territory. Now to some sights. Cattle hanging around shade trees ...