Trans America Cycling Day 20 - Marathon, TX to Sanderson, TX
The link to today's route and statistics is found here . Gun control in west Texas differs from that of the rest of the country. West Texas gun control What do the Europeans on the tour think of Texas gun control? We thought that we had seen our last antelope of the tour, nope. Buck antelope trotting to three does that he protected from us in a face off As usual, the scenery was outstanding. Mesa along ride Today we began seeing dense fields of wildflowers beside the road. Texas spreads wildflower seed beside many roadways, and we are cycling through in what could be the peak of the wildflower season. The Texas wildflower display is the premier display on our Southern Tier tour, beating Florida hands down. If you take pictures for the blog of wildflowers, please try to identify them. You can do so by asking locals, or our local Texan Kip. If that fails, there is a wonderful wildflower identification guide at : http://...