
Showing posts from May 1, 2019

Trans America Cycling Day 31 - Cleveland, TX to Kountze, TX

The link to today's route and statistics is found here . Every now and then even the most avid cyclist might question their sanity in cycling "from sea to shining sea," sort of like the quintessential chicken question. There were many logging trucks rumbling down the roads that we rode today, loaded most often with pine logs.  Chunks of bark sometimes fall off the trucks and onto the shoulder where we mostly ride, so cyclists need to be looking out for the bark.  Sometimes the pieces are larger, around the size of a two by four.  The logging trucks take the logs to sawmills like the one below near SAG stop 1 or to pulp mills Small sawmill on the route where workers were cutting the logs into lumber There were barks of another kind, from loose dogs running after us, especially down one Texas Farm Road today.  The dogs today were rather friendly and were chasing us for exercise. Our second SAG stop today was in the town of Thicket TX.  We ar...